Hello Guys,
Have you ever experienced something like the image below?
At the time of uninstall avast premier uses avast clear.
After the uninstall avast happen dual booting between Windows 10 with Avast clear uninstall. Though avast clear uninstaller has been uninstalled.
I’ve tried these steps, the first one I tried to delete boot clear avast uninstaller can not be clicked delete button. But when i restart my laptop and try again successfully.
I am confused as to why remove avast using avast clear you happen to dual boot? Eddy has experienced no similar?
Thank you for replying to my message.
indeed hardware/ software could make mistake,
called an application bug, whether avast clear there is a bug resulting in a dual boot?
My system is set up to always give me an option to boot to Windows 10 or, choose one of the other options for safe boot.
If the system is set up in that way, then you’ll see the Avast Safe Mode option when you run Avast clear.
Hello Bob3160,
Usually avast clear not be dual boot, but at that time I tried to remove avast with avast clear happen dual boot.
Is bob3160 never experienced such a moment to remove avast with avast clear?
Why on Earth would AVAST create such a mess on our systems that would require a separate boot option to simply remove. How does one get this off, in plain English please, with pictures even. It is not our responsibility to have the knowledge of removing boot options and messing with systems below Windows level. Simple instructions to remove this should be available, otherwise this makes AVAST no better than the ransom-ware it claims to protect against.
I had the same problem with AvastClear.
Now if I try to use Normal Startup in System Configuration, Avast Clear keep appearing in the boot window and I have to choose Windows 10. the only way to get a ‘normal’ boot is to choose ‘selective start up’, in which case I can delete Clear as a boot option. It seems impossible to remove Clear completely from the system. Something definitely not right with the unistaller.
It is not our responsibility to have the knowledge of removing boot options and messing with systems below Windows level.
There isn't anything below Windows anymore.
Last version where that was the case was Windows Vista.
And yes it is your responsibility to have the knowledge.
You bought the system and it is your task to learn how to use it.
Thanks Bob. This deletes it from ‘Selective Startup’. If you then go to ‘Normal Startup’, it re-appears in the Boot options! So, it can be deleted from the list of boot options in Selective mode, but not actually removed from the system. TBH I am happy enough starting in ‘Selective’ mode but I’m wary of having this permanently in my system in case it causes issues in the future. Seems like Avast needs an uninstaller uninstaller.
The only option I can think of is to install avastclear again then re-run the tool to see if after reboot it removes itself, if that fails then you might have to search files and the registry and delete everything that comes up when searching for Avast.