issue: checkdisk / chkdsk boot-loop with avast 7 (XP) - caused by avast?



Windows XP SP3, Avast Suite, Raxco Perfect Disk with Optiwrite enabled for all drives.
With a recent testversion of avast suite 7 a ‘chkdsk /X /V /F’ was issued and scheduled for drive C: (i know x and v are ignored for c:).
When rebooting, the check started, and finished, but booting process came to a halt before login screen.
With a dark screen, mouse pointer blinking busy, repeated small hd accesses.
Whenever resetting, the hd check ran again, and at the same point booting stopped afterwards.

I overcame this stop, using f8 and last working configuration option.
I deinstalled avast, and reinstalled Antivir Free.
I think I tried a checkdisk, and it worked without stopping.
I haven’t had such a issue for a year, if ever, i do checkdisk-boots on C: every three weeks,
Raxco and Optiwrite didn’t cause any issues so far but improved the performance,
and Avast was the last major change on the system.

I reinstalled Avast…
I don’t dare to issue a checkdisk on C: again, with avast installed.


Could Avast be the cause and am i likely to run into that again?
If yes, which option to change?

thanks for help