I just wanted to edit my message on the subject of the new version
Since then, when I want to consult this page, I get a blank page if I am connected, but no problem if I disconnect.
Something went wrong with my editing?
Confirmed. Strange :-\
Thank you for the confirmation you reassure me
Me too when logged in using FF browser.
Unable to open that page. i.e. showing as blank page.
I opened in another browser and could then view my post and check it looked OK.
As far I’am concern I can’t open the topic also with Avast Secure Browser either unless I log out
edit:I have just been able to post using my contribution to this topic in my profile (reply)
I just posted on the thread about it.
It lets me view the first page of the thread if I’m not logged in.
Indeed, I just modified my profile to have 15 posts per page (instead of 50) and I can see and post on the 2nd page.
If I still reduce to 5 posts per page, I can see the 1st, 2nd and 4th, but not the 3rd, where my post #14 at 4:44pm is. So it seems that it is my edit at 5:06pm that is the cause of the problem. If an administrator could take a look?
Well I have finally got into this topic.
I tried signing off, and whilst that allowed access to the topic I couldn’t post. I didn’t mess with the reduction of posts shown per page.
I thought I would try another long topic this one >> UPDATES << with 248 pages (50 posts per page on my settings) and that was fine.
So I came back to this on and it opened just fine and about to post this.
I don’t know if any Administrator has taken any action, but for me it is working.
For me also all other topics are OK, even the one “UPDATES”, the problem is only (it is still at this time) on the topic of version 21.6.
But not on all pages of this topic.
As I said, if I fill my profile to have a minimum of posts (5) per page, only page 3 is unavailable with #10,#11,#12,#13,#14.If I set (10) it’s KO for page 2 (#10->#19)…set to (15) KO for page 1 (#1->#14)
Moreover if I reverse (in my profile) the order of the thread (last post first), I can see the #10->13 above but not the #14 which is my post of 4:44pm.
You say:
I don't know if any Administrator has taken any action, [b]but for me it is working[/b].Can you confirm that you can see (and quote) my post while logged in. https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=292731.msg1641503#msg1641503 This message says:
Hi, Do you know if and when the "new" display disappears from the UI? Usually, once the new item is consulted, the "new" display disappears. ...... .......
Hi Chris, I removed your “broken” post, see if it works now.
Thanks Asyn , it’s OK now
I’ll try to repost it, hoping it won’t block a part of the topic this time :-[
You’re welcome.
It seems that it is my second screenshot (300ko) that blocks, in jpeg or in gif.
I end up with a blank page … but luckily it doesn’t block the forum
If it is truly a .jpeg and not .jpg then that file type isn’t in the list of accepted files.
Or perhaps the maximum file size was exceeded ?
Sorry, I meant “.jpg” and its weight was 300KB.
I also tried with a .gif file (203 KB)…unsuccessfully
I think it’s due to the transfer of the capture from the source computer to the one where I sent the message (or to the creation of the capture)
I will try with a new capture…even if it is useless since ASYN answered my question.