I am having issues that i can’t find a setting for , i am using the Free Avast and i am having a issue with my pictures , every time i open a folder i have pictures in Avast seems to scan it , so it takes forever for the pictures to show up as it has to finish the scan , i can not find any setting to stop it from scanning My Pictures EVERY TIME i open a folder , this is not a scheduled scan or a manual scan , it decides on its own to scan the folder EVERY time i open it to view my pictures (the orange/white icon in the taskbar spins every time i open a picture folder) , when it scans the contents of the folder shows blank till it finishes the scan then the pitures load so i can view them , this takes several seconds to a minute to do this depending on how many pictures are in the folder , it is very annoying
Is there any way to stop it from scanning a folder EVERY time it is opened ??
@ the OP: weird…even if scanning when opening (the pics), it shouldn’t slow down. You should do a scan of this folder where your pics are with “persistence cache” enabled (storing and using >>> go to the expert settings of “folder scan” or explorer scan). This will cache the signatures of those files (the pics) and they won’t be scanned again unless modified.
and NO i have not adjusted ANY settings , i left everything default
The exact issue is when i go to My Documents , and ANY folder that has pictures in them , it seems to scan the folder on its own , the icon in the taskbar spins , then when it stops spinning the pictures finally load , this can take a while depending on how many pics are in the folder , in the case where there are 50 or more pics , it takes close to a minute before i can see any contents of the folder , and again , this happens EVERY time i open a folder with pictures , even if i open a folder , close it , then open it again right away , it does the exact same thing
OK i tried to Uninstall using Add and Remove Programs and i keep getting a error saying there was a Error trying to uninstall from the Avast panel that shows when un-installing , if i close Add and Remove Programs then re-open it , Avast is still there , i try to un-install again and get the same error
so do i try to Re-install while it is still there ??
no, just close the interface if you can. If you can’t use the normal uninstall procedure (which is always preferable when accessible), use this now: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
then reboot, then check that the alwil folders in program files and in document and settings\all users\application data\alwil…have been completely deleted, then reinstall.
OK i un-installed in Safe Mode , then deleted the folders , then re-installed , Updated , Re-booted , then tried to open my picture folders and it STILL scans the folder before i can view anything , it took about 53 seconds to be able to view any pictures in that folder with 202 pictures in it , before the icon in my taskbar stopped spinning it showed blank just like before the un-install/re-install
so what can i do to correct this ??
Or am i stuck with this issue , as it gets real annoying when it takes almost a minute for a folder to open
I have really no idea sorry…not even sure the scanning is responsible for the folders opening slowly. You’re sure everything is back to normal if you stop Avast? you can try that by stopping the services (in computer management)…
OK i just tried to open the same folder again and it seems to be opening fine now , it seems that once the folder finally opens , the next time i open it , it seems to open like it should , i tried another folder with pictures and it did the same thing , the first time i open it , it takes forever , then if i close it , and either open another folder then go back or just try to open it again , it opens fine , so hopefully the re-install fixed
It is probably worth running a Full System Scan a couple of times as this also builds/populates the persistent cache. Once built/populated it speeds on-demand scans also in subsequent scans.
OK i will do a Full System Scan right now , i did have to go to EVERY folder i had with pictures and let them load then i could click on any one of them and they open fine now , so whatever it was , it seemed to be the re-installation that fixed the issue
Well crap , i guess this only works till i restart my PC , then i have to go thru the process of opening each folder again , so i guess it did not fix the problem completely
okay,then you you might have an operating system issues …
or: what view mode are you using when you open a folder containing pictures? list, thumbnail view? which one? could be that Windows is either rebuilding the thumbnails again and again or that you’re not waiting long enough when you open a folder for all the thumbnails to be built and cached…and Avast is scanning that too.
I don’t know which version of Windows you have…if you display a preview pane in folders or not (Vista/Seven). Anyway you can tweak the behavior in advanced settings/performance. What I mean is do you still have the same issue when displaying the pics just in list or detailed view? Are you using Windows Live Photo Gallery >>> it’s a CPU hog on first use…just a few hints…
I am using XP SP3 and i put it on Thumbnail View , but it looks like a combination of Thumbnail and Tile view when i open a folder , i have to go to the view and it will be on Thumbnail , but i have to change it to Tile , then back to Thumbnail for it to look like a normal thumbnail , but this is only after it loads everything which takes almost a minute , there are Thumbs.db and ZbThumbnail.info icons in each folder , so it should load correctly , and i use Windows Picture and Fax Viewer as i dont like the way Windows Live looks
But every time i open the Avast Icon is spinning in the taskbar , that is why i feel it is Avast doing it
What else could it be making it re-load ??
I have done a Scandisk , and the issue is the same so if it was i Windows Issue then that should have fixed it i would think
So it may be that this file when you open the folder actually checks the images files against its information for new additions/deletions, etc. and this may cause avast to scan the files that it accesses.
I have many image folders in many of then I have also deleted the thumbs.db as I don’t want the database updated as my system can display the folder thumbnails quickly.
Yes i use a Canon camera so that would be the ZbThumbnail , but that is not in every picture folder , just some of them so i dont think that should be any problem
But i would still like to know how i can stop Avast from scanning my picture folders EVERY time , as that still seems to be the issue causing the delayed loading