Issues with hotmail and other websites


I just renewed my Avast and downloaded the avast Pro client as well as updated the version to 5.0.594. I have rebooted my computer after all actions.

I am unable to view my hotmail and also (big disaster!). What happens is a blank screen. The problem emerged when I downloaded and updated my client from the old version (via renewal link in email).

I have tried to repair the program in windows and rebooted again - no change.

I hope you can help.

Please post more info about your system. (OS, browser, etc.)
Other security related software installed…??

I have Vista installed (yes, I know it’s crap) and are running on the Explorer browser. I have tried other browsers responding to advice from friends, but none suit me - so I do not hope that the solution is to change browser :S

Avast is the only sequrity-program I have installed.

Which SP on Vista…?
Which version of IE…?
Please be more specific…
Can you reach other pages…?
Which error do you get…?

I am using Service Pack 2 and IE 8.

So far, I have encoutered problems:
When I try to open hotmail via my messenger or from the adress
I cannot view the site either. Where the page is supposed to be, it is just white - i can still see actionbars and the browser itself.
On my personalized google, the links are missing from my shortcut-boxes/applications/content.
The links on this site: (opens up a new window streaming radio) does not work on this computer - when i right-click the links, I can only choose “Open”, and the topbar is missing from the page.
This site also comes up white:
This site I can only view the topbars - the rest is blue:
On this page, I am unable to fill in the boxes - they are not clickable for me:
This page is white:
This page is complete screwed in relation to layout - nothing is where it is supposed to be:
Same problem with this one - it is missing certain boxes, that should be there:
Facebook is only showing me the background, no content, and I am unable to click anything
My homebanking gives me this errormessage, where the Javascript to logon usually is: “This text will be replaced by the control” (

This was just my favourites - dont know if there are other sites, that will give my a hard time, but i reckon there are.

Seems you either disabled javascript or are missing the Flash plugin…
Try downloading the Flash plugin here:

Well, ironically, I am unable to install the flashplayer since I cannot click the button. I have followed the steps on the adobe site - that should help me with installation issues, but it doesnt seem to help either. I have installed Flash 10 (I found a link) - and I can see it on the list of my programs, but IE still doesnt work correctly.

I have reinstalled Java and rebooted the computer. no luck.

Well, Java and JavaScript are two different things…!
Read here:
Hope this helps…! Please report back your results…

It’s been a while since i entered commands in DOS, but it worked - thanks for your help! Just strange that the problem occured, when I installed avast… But at least it’s fixed now :slight_smile:

You’re welcome…!