There was a hack and defacement:
Nothing here: neither here:
Sucuri detects: Outdated Joomla Found Security Announcements Joomla under 3.4.5
See where this scan lands: -
→ -htxp:// (do not go there as it has explicit adult content, not for minors)
Checking for cloaking
There is a difference of 2 bytes between the version of the page you serve to Chrome and the version you serve to GoogleBot. This probably means some code is running on your site that’s trying to hide from browsers but make Google think there’s something else on the page. show.
<a class="modal-button" title="100_0003" href="/gallery/1-portobello/detail/3-1000003?tmpl=component&detail=0&buttons=1" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 680, y: 560}, overlayOpacity: 0.3, classWindow: 'phocagallery-random-window', classOverlay: 'phocagallery-random-overlay'}" >
<img src="/images/phocagallery/Portobello/thumbs/phoca_thumb_m_100_0003.jpg" alt="100_000[b]3[/b]" width="100" height="100" /></a></center>
<a class="modal-button" title="100_0007" href="/gallery/1-portobello/detail/7-1000007?tmpl=component&detail=0&buttons=1" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 680, y: 560}, overlayOpacity: 0.3, classWindow: 'phocagallery-random-window', classOverlay: 'phocagallery-random-overlay'}" >
<img src="/images/phocagallery/Portobello/thumbs/phoca_thumb_m_100_0007.jpg" alt="100_000[b]7[/b]" width="100" height="100" /></a></center>
IDs Tracking insecure: 25% of the trackers on this site could be protecting you from NSA snooping. Tell to fix it. to: -Google
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