well, every time I turn on my computer, start thinking for a big amount of time, after 8 minutes Avast autoupdate feature begin saying that my Java version is too old and Must! be updated and Next say that my adobe reader is too old and Must! be updated, I updated last time and mi machine became S-L-O-W and as a result I wish to turn off all the updates because I can not buy a new computer every time that microsoft, avast, adobe and all the associates launch updates, I understand that from time to time an update is correct but not every day, from adobe reader 4 to adobe reader 5 the update time was 6 months but now they are updating every 2 days that is ridiculous, I have a small machine celeron processor 1.8 Ghz and 512Mb of RAM but every time I turn on the machine the transaction window say that the amount of memory used by the applications is 800 000 Kb and the hard disk become crazy please, may somebody tell me how to deactivate the avast autoupdate?
avast warns about programs that have released security patches…
anyway if you dont want this
ad/remove programs > avast > uninstall > change > remove the modules you do not want/need
i think next version will have a on/off button
Even easier.
Click on the red ball > Software Updater and it lists the programs.
Click on “More details” and there is a option to “Ignore”. Select it an hey presto, no more nags.
I second Simpleton’s suggestion re stopping massive CPU usage during automagic updates. I think Avast gets confuseled,
and is in some sort of a WAIT, or it’s reverifying the entire download (in my case, the latest version of Adobe; only 91% CPU
utilization there. hmm.)
Open the AVAST! user interface
-rightclick on the icon, click on OPEN USER INTERFACE
Clickon the MORE DETAILS link for the program currently being ‘updated’ (tip off: it has a PROGRESS bar that’s zipping along merrily)
CPU activity should IMMEDIATELY return to normal. Or whatever it usually is when AVAST is not performing 'updates'.
Update the program yerself, pard.
There ya go. ;D