That is sooo sweet. I really want one of these in black ;D
That is sooo sweet. I really want one of these in black ;D
duh…why do you need it… it’s just a Tetris game : ;D ;D
bye drhayden1
very unusual i am alone in the forum ??? almost
it’s just a Tetris game - doom is not a tetris type game
tetris is a puzzle type game and doom is one of classic shooter games…
snowhite snowhite-does thou remember thy chat- i am lost without thee :-X :-X
sorry to hear you were “almost alone” here :o
it's just a Tetris game - doom is not a tetris type game tetris is a puzzle type game and doom is one of classic shooter games...Really...well thank you for enlightening to me the world of the games, i have to put my glasses on 8)
muahahaha ;D ;D ;D