Be careful what you do while using your computer…
Be careful what you do while using your computer…
Hi Para-Noid,
After reading this didn’t you immediately duck-tape your webcam eye?
Who would train with your portrait for a face recognition program now?
When you cannot seem to get enough of this info go here:
It would have been nice if Snowden also had the low down on other Governments.
Hi bob3160,
You are right there.
It is common knowledge now that everyone everywhere is into data mining. ;D
The difference is only to what scale and these practices are found worldwide.
My personal computer address is being scanned everyday from Taiwan University.
And it is not only NSA, it is also FDA-Big Pharma, see:
link article author PharmaGuy.
NSA, CIA, RCMP, and now my next door neighbor.Do I have PPD.? (Paranoid personality disorder )
Nah, just cause you’re Paranoid doesn’t necessarily mean you have a personality disorder. ;D ;D
Just cause you’re Paranoid doesn’t mean the bar-stewards aren’t out to get you ;D
i have a ton of these in my car. ABS / PAB / ACC / ACL / A/T / A/C …
hu…should i worry. ???
Some have to fear, very advanced, very complex:
and not coming from the West…