Avast has become nearly as annoying as the popup adware it is supposed to protect against.
Avast is constantly shoving itself in my face with stuff I don’t care about. Or, with stuff I specifically don’t want.
What sent me here today is, I’m pretty sure that the latest update hijacked my browser. Both the home page and the search engine. It pointed both at Yahoo. I’m sure that, technically, it asked somewhere. But, for practical purposes, it snuck those in. That’s extremely poor netizenship.
It’s also complaining about some addons I have installed in Firefox. I know what they are. I want them. Let me mark them as safe for myself. No, instead they have to pop up a big scary window every time Firefox starts.
I forget what else, at the moment. I think there’s a cleanup it nags me with a lot. But, I am finding myself annoyed by them over and over. Just do your job and get out of my way, unless it’s something actually important.
I have been recommending Avast to friends and family for many years. I even chose to get myself a paid subscription for the last few years, because I like to reward companies for software I find useful. But, it has gotten really bad.
I’m about to start searching for something else.
Drake Christensen