I've been automatically billed again without my permission

I have the free version on my computer and a year ago I was billed automatically for it despite having turned it OFF. I was refunded and made sure it was set to OFF (for some reason it wasn’t). Now I’ve been billed again. However, there doesn’t appear to be any invoice of it, I tried contacting support twice. I found an old invoice which I thought was the new one before checking that it was fact the old one from a year ago. The previous email account which was linked to my profile went belly up a couple of months ago, it got hacked and rendered unusable. I may have been notified of an automatic renewal via that account but I had already set up a another email account as my primary one. I’ve received nothing from Avast on that account. As I said, I’ve contacted Support twice already but since they’ve yet to reply to me, I thought I’d try here as well.

Reported to Avast.

Still no reply from Avast/Digital River Ireland. I might have to try to contact PayPal or the European Consumer Centre.

Emailed Avast support and they finally said the refund is being processed.