I’ve just read the review of Avast Pro 4.6 in one IT magazine. There were tested all relevant AV software.
I don’t like these facts:
I’ve read that Avast Pro supports only several packers like ASPack, upx and peshield. Is this correct? Is this a big problem if someone wants to hide a virus with some other packer? Comparing with some other popular AV it is little in my opnion.
They also wrote that Avast Pro (they said that it had enabled Archive scanning) didn’t scanned archived filed when copying to another folder!?
Then they made this test. They wanted to see if the trojan kills certain AV. Because of that the closed the AV program for several seconds, started trojan and the re-run the AV to make scanning and cleaning from that trojan. For Avast they wrote that Avast is killed in the normal regime, it doesn’t disinfect the trojan in Safe Mode because there was left 1 of 3 trojan files but the good news was that the trojan didn’t functioned after the restart.
I read that their base is from May. Now, I read on Avast site this:
added support for additional executable unpackers (FSG, MEW, PE Deminisher)
Does this mean that when I update my Avast I will also get support for this, that I don’t have to download the whole program?
One more question. I’m currently using Avast Home and planning to go to the Pro version. I didn’t find on the forum some topic where I can read the main advantages that Pro version has over Home. Could you point me in the right direction or give me answer to my question?
I guess that Home version is also very good because it has the sane AV base like the Pro version.
Does this mean that when I update my Avast I will also get support for this, that I don't have to download the whole program?
One more question. I'm currently using Avast Home and planning to go to the Pro version. I didn't find on the forum some topic where I can read the main advantages that Pro version has over Home. Could you point me in the right direction or give me answer to my question?