I was doing a simple search in Ixquick via Firefox, and from the main page of the search results, I clicked the Images option at the top of the page… and Avast! immediately blocked the page, telling me it had just prevented a malware or something. Now, ANY attempt to go to the Images link yields a Secure Connection Failed message.
I right-clicked the Images link in the Ixquick regular search results page, selected Copy Link Location, and fed that link to VirusTotal to scan it, and it showed all green.
Unfortunately, I exited out of the error message Avast! gave me, so I can’t repeat the message. It won’t give the error again, it simply blocks Ixquick from loading the page, so I can’t look for any kind of report-a-false-positive button in there, and I can’t screengrab the reported error. On the other hand, the blocked-malware message it gave also referenced firefox.exe itself, too.
This is frustrating, because I use Ixquick all the time. This is clearly a false positive, but I can’t determine a way to report it as such through the Avast! program.