Ixquick Image searches suddenly being blocked by Avast!

I was doing a simple search in Ixquick via Firefox, and from the main page of the search results, I clicked the Images option at the top of the page… and Avast! immediately blocked the page, telling me it had just prevented a malware or something. Now, ANY attempt to go to the Images link yields a Secure Connection Failed message.

I right-clicked the Images link in the Ixquick regular search results page, selected Copy Link Location, and fed that link to VirusTotal to scan it, and it showed all green.

Unfortunately, I exited out of the error message Avast! gave me, so I can’t repeat the message. It won’t give the error again, it simply blocks Ixquick from loading the page, so I can’t look for any kind of report-a-false-positive button in there, and I can’t screengrab the reported error. On the other hand, the blocked-malware message it gave also referenced firefox.exe itself, too.

This is frustrating, because I use Ixquick all the time. This is clearly a false positive, but I can’t determine a way to report it as such through the Avast! program.

is it ixquick.com that is blocked or a search result link you clicked on?

if you have not rebooted since it happend, right click avast tray icon and select … show last pop up … in top right corner is a pin, click that to pin it to screen
Take a screenshot and post here

I right-clicked the Images link in the Ixquick regular search results page, selected Copy Link Location, and fed that link to VirusTotal to scan it, and it showed all green.
you mean this one ? hxxps://ixquick.com/nor/pics.html?hmb=1

Yup, we really need a printscreen or something.

Yes, I’ve powered off and back on since then. (Had to go to bed and stuff. :smiley: ) Weirdly enough, I just tried another search from Ixquick and then clicked the Images link in it, and it worked like normal this time. oO

Ok… If the problem appears again, just post here with a printscreen :wink: