iYogi removed from support

Good move by Avast! It was time.


It’s about time.

I agree it is about time they did it! :slight_smile:

+1 :slight_smile:

Maybe the better would be keep everything in the same thread.

The only problem with that Tech is that the op of this thread has no access to the evangelist section so it provides some info for the non privileged memebers :wink:

Sorry me.

uuummh. You are forgiven my son, and I am not an Evangelist yet :wink:

iroc, I’m asking for pardon. You’re reading my post as I was saying, “oh, sorry, I don’t care of they don’t having access…”. I’m not saying that.

Sorry Tech. I was joking. Since I am not an " Evangelist ", I was pardon you as a " Priest ". " You are forgiven my son ". Just that. No punk intended.

;D ;D

Oh I needed a laugh ;D

Me too. This is how English difficulties makes us laugh :slight_smile:

Thank you Avast!!!


More on the subjet:

" iYogi, has now apologised for events, blaming it on a small number of staff.

“In this case it went awry with an over-zealous sales person,” iYogi president of global sales Larry Gordon told Techworld. “Some people will leave the company, some will be re-trained,” he said "


“over-zealous sales person”…
I would never call scareware this way.
The users - at least the forum most dedicate users - are in peace now. Other point was the wrong technical advices.

Maybe training them at all would be the proper action to take. When they weren’t being “overzealous”, they were displaying complete technical ignorance.

Yes it is about time…and you great forum friends have helped me a lot and to that I say “thank you” more than once! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I just noticed this ad in my gmail and thought this was a good place to share it:


I hope our friends a McAffee enjoy their support as much as we have… ;D ;D ;D

I give Avast credit for having made what I consider the right move in caring more about it’s customers than their wallet.
Until iYogi learns to concentrate on what they agreed to provide, they have no business calling their service “support”.
Thank you Vince Steckler. I commend you on your decision. :slight_smile:

I don’t have any ads on my gmail. Maybe because of Adblock Plus?

+1000 Couldn’t agree more. 8)