Dear Avast Forum Users,
Are the mozilla servers jammed? I am trying to download Firefox 3 now.
Best wishes,
Dear Avast Forum Users,
Are the mozilla servers jammed? I am trying to download Firefox 3 now.
Best wishes,
I’ve been running into the same thing … I suspect their “eyes were bigger than their stomach”, as the saying goes, trying to break a record for downloads if they don’t have sufficient server capacity for that.
Hi MikeBCda,
Agreed! Although I shall still endeavour to assist in the download record.
I believe Firefox is by far the superior web browser in comparison to its nearest rival Shiternet Explorer.
Good luck and enjoy Firefox 3!
Looks like the world record attempt to download the most copies in a day has fallen flat on it face with servers swamped as people try to find somewhere to download FF3 to help them achieve the world record :-[
Http/1.1 Service Unavailable
from at present :
all are down on my end…
Is loading but showing >:(
Install went smoothly.
Firefox 3.0 up and running from my end.
Only gripe is that I lost the functionality of expanding out the bookmark toolbar to a second ‘row’. >:(
I shall have to start working out how to tweak it in Firefox 3 again
Seems to be easy to download from Filehippo, not that I’m in any rush.Can’t understand what all the fuss is about.
Does anyone know if the d/ls from filehippo and major geeks will count? D/l mine from filehippo w/o a problem. My ABP and No Script extensions are working.
I’m now downloading it to do my bit for the world record attempt, but I will be waiting a little time to let the other guinea pigs break it first and let the add-ons catch up.
The download is a bit slow (too say the least) on dial-up chugging along at 5.2kb/sec, good job it’s only 7MB.
that was about the same download speed I was getting … I’m on broadband and only about 100 miles from Mozilla central.