Any news on Japanese skin (NIPPON) ? I sent it few weeks ago, and I’m not sure Alwil got it… if you guys have never received that skin, please let me know and I’ll send it again…
Thanks !
Any news on Japanese skin (NIPPON) ? I sent it few weeks ago, and I’m not sure Alwil got it… if you guys have never received that skin, please let me know and I’ll send it again…
Thanks !
Hi, I don’t want to release the skin before it’s going to work with Japanese version of avast. Which is going to be int the next program update (probably due till the end of May).
Hope this helps,
Yeah, but as I said before, font inside that skin doesn’t support Japanese characters, no Japanese signs. No one knows how can we make “universal” skin, so I just made Japanese skin with Tahoma font inside display area.
IMHO, no point to wait for Japanese version, 'cause anyway, it’s going to show English characters… however, if you think it’s not good idea to publish it now, no problem… I don’t have problem with that, I’m not in a hurry.
Cheers !
Well, it seems we may have found a way to make a universal skin after all
Great, but I guess you won’t tell me what I have to do to transform that skin into universal skin, hehe… ;D
…or even better, maybe you guys can make some changes inside my skin font properties and It will work ?
Anyway, please let me know…
Thanks !
Actually, the “universality” will be achieved by a special piece of avast! code (when the skin font doesn’t support the necessary characters on the target system, it will be substituted by another font during the runtime).
So, no changes to the skins will be necessary. However, this feature is not available yet - it will be included in the next program update.
Great Igor, you’re the man !!! Nice feature…
I can’t wait to see that works. It’s not like I don’t believe it will work, but I’m just anxious.
Btw, you need avatar my friend ?
How nice this thread is ! ;D
( Yes, not only this also every threads ! )
Anyway, I am looking forward to the next program update.
Feel free to send me any skins to check displying of them before releasing.
I will send the screen shots back to you.
Thank you very much, the great team, Sasha and ALWIL !
I was so busy last two weeks to install YaBB SP1.3 to my web.
Yesterday it was success to start YaBB for my Japanese friends who are users of avast! Home.
So I couldn’t post my message here until today even though your IM brought me the good news.
Thank you very much, my friend, and I’m sorry my reply is so late.
it is June 2 Vlk, where is the program update? :
Yeah, where is update ?
We want program update !
We want program update !
We want program update !
We want program update !
All together, please
We want program update !
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Joke, but we are really looking forward to to see that update…
Calm Down Sasha!
I want program upgrade ;D
me too
Common shgoh, change that signature of yours:
Though 99% of my posts might be useless crap...but I'm trying hard to learn...and want to be part of this GREAT avast! forums...
That’s completely untrue ! Your posts are very important for avast! users and forum members, and they are far from being useless crap… I found so many very useful advices you gave to forum noobs…
Keep it that way and let us see better signature of yours !
thanks my friend sasha…
but i believe i’m still an amateur compared to you guys here…
Together with the new version (4.1.412), the Nippon skin has been placed on the website.
Thanks to everyone involved (SZC in particular ;))
Nice, nice. Thanks Vlk… is there any chance someone can send me picture or post it here to see how Nippon skin look like with Japanese signs ?
It would be great and it would be much easier for me to make skins in the future…
Thanks !
Here is a screenshot!
Well, there are some smaller problems there, but it looks great anyway!
The Japanese font is a little bigger (especially the height), so sometimes it doesn’t fit. And of course, any “hardcoded” English text will not be translated.
I just found out that the “universal” skinning doesn’t change one more font… so the titles of the windows are not displayed correctly. We’ll try to fix it, of course.
Oh my God, it looks so nice with those Japanese signs… I’m so happy…
Igor, those Windows titles are my mistake… those are not fonts, but graphics (bitmaps)… If you want me to remove them, just say and I’ll do that first thing I come home today…