I have been hit twice now by some random Ad Virus which I can only call “Java 6” because what will happen is when the ad comes up on the website, it will begin to load Java 6 which can clearly be seen since it appears above all active windows.
If you get into Task Manager as this loads you will see there is a Process called “7…” followed by a bunch of random numbers which I can’t remember.
Java 6 will continue to load something but I never let it get that far since by that point I turn off my computer to save it. I then go into Safe Mode and System Restore my system hoping that fixes it. Followed by a Avast, Spybot S&D and Combofix to try to make sure nothing long-lasting hit me.
This second time it happened, I tried endding the Process using Task Manager but it didn’t end it, as if it ignored me. A little while later Java 6 dissapaired as if about to load another window (which at that point I didn’t feel I was going to win so I Shut Down).
I spotted this Virus just 10 mins ago on a Wiki page (Yu-Gi-Oh Wiki to be detailed). If Avast is up to it, please investigate this virus to try and stop it in an update, or maybe someone can tell me more about what is going on with this Java 6 thing and if it has happend to them yet?
I checked the wiki pages about it in several languages, but haven’t found anything suspicious. No java starts or whatever. Looks to me you did not found it in a offcial wiki site/page but somewhere else.
It was here: hxxp://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Solemn_Warning
But it must have been when an advertisment poped up with it because I loaded to this page first time, nothing happened, explored a little more till I came back to it, then Java 6 started loading. This happened to me another time at another heavy - advertisment site.
If “Java 6” Virus pops up again for me, what should I do to catch it and bring it to Avast’s attention (just to show that I’m not crazy)?
Hi, the site has web appl. issues:
Web application version:
MediaWiki version: MediaWiki 1.16.2
Mediawiki leaking php version: PHP 5.2.10-2ubuntu6.5
Mediawiki leaking MySQL version: MySQL 5.0.91-b22.lucid.0-log
Mediawiki leaking MediaWiki version: MediaWiki 1.16.2