This mornig I ran my weekly system scan. Avast detected the following seven viruses:
Since I’ve been using Avast (about 18-20 months), I’ve always found Zero (0) viruses during the system wide scan.
I’m a little confused. The settings I am using are the same as always on both e-mail and Standard Shield Protection. Why did Avast not detect these items when they first appeared?
The duplicate names are from different files that were all found in the “C:\Documents and Settings\Us\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar.…” directory.
I have the files all in the virus chest if someone needs to look at them. If so, please advise how I shoud e-mail them.
I have not lost confidence in Avast, but am a little confused about this situation.
Am using Widows XP
Internet connection is 56K dial up
I do keep current on updates.
Thank you
Michael Reynolds