Java: ClassLoader - E

I ran my first scan and picked up some interesting stuff that Norton didn’t find. Was able to fix everything but on Trojan. Here’s the info -

I was doing a self-initiated scan of all my hard-drives.

The trojan was found here: L:\Retrospect\Backup Set A\AA000001.RBD (I have since moved it to my Program Files. You’ll see why later.) It was identified as Java: ClassLoader -E(Trj)

When I tried to move it to the chest I received the “There is not enough space on the disc” message. so I chose the option of moving it to program files.

Prior to moving it, I updated my Java files and then emptied their cache. However, this didn’t help.

The file is now in C:Program Files\Alwil…

What should I do with it?


Hi celtictrek,

Default action: Remove
File Name:,,,,,,,,, java.classloader.o.class


It looks like a backup file. Is it?

Possibly a backup including the browser cache with a Java exploit contained within the cache.

Okay guys. I should have explained that I’m a 60 year old woman who’s computer experience, though long, is pretty much confined to google searches and message boards.

So I have no idea what you’re telling me in the first response.

And it is a file from the back-up program, not the actual backed-up info itself.

Sorry for taking your time, but I’m still not sure what to do with this.

Are you sure it’s not backup info? It must be quite a large file if you get the “There is not enough space on the disc” message. What is the file size?

I don’t think this an active infection either way.

Maybe it is. it’s 614+ KB.

I scanned it again and this time deleted it to the trash folder. If it’s backed up info, I’ll pick it up again in my next back-up. Right?

The size issue relates to the avast chest settings and not the room left on your HDD, so the message could do with an update.

Check out the Program Settings (right click the avast ‘a’ icon), Chest and you can adjust the sizes, though 614 doesn’t sound large.