Recently, someone has used my computer and went to sites I ordinarily don’t visit, the sites were:
I performed a routine boot-time scan which detected 20 or so Java Trojans classified as Java:Dermit-A [Trj].
One file name was i.class . The rest were called Rs2Applet.class . It also detected tier0_s.dll from Steam, which, after Avast recently updated (7.0.1474) read as no virus and therefore I assume the tier0 file from Steam is a false positive. I ran a full-time scan after the boot-time and it came up blank. I returned to the virus chest which contains all the files in question and re-scanned them within the chest to make sure they were not false positives.
I suspect the sites I list as the givers of the Trojans because of the fact I had performed a scan three days prior, and received no indication of viruses, so it is unlikely that I had these prior to the event.
I would list the exact files’ original locations, but I can’t find a way to display the full file names, the text cuts off, so some information would be useful. All suspected files are now in the virus chest. I researched some of these sites and saw most as educational sites, but I cannot be certain of all of them. I would like to know if these files are really viruses. Can someone tell me how to show the full text under “original location” so I can write out these viruses original locations and ascertain whether these are actually Trojans.
OK…if you put your mouse pointer on the vertical bar just in front of “last changed” hold left mouse button and drag sideways, then you get full file path.
Oh, I see now, thanks. Are these really viruses, or are they just false positives? I can’t imagine where they could come from other than the sites I listed. One last thing is;
If I was using multiple computers on the same modem or WiFi network, should I consider my modem or those computers compromised?
I will also ensure my Java is fully updated before posting again. is a college campus website I frequently use, and the campus I attend classes from. is also known as Moodle and it is used by Hagerstown Community College, and multiple other campuses around the country.
both the sites you listed on the bottom shouldn’t give you issues like that ???.
As for the other two, not sure.