I agree with DavidR.
I removed Java from my systems a few years ago, and have had no regrets.
There was only one webpage that I used to visit regularly that invoked java — the Secunia ONLINE Software Inspector (OSI). However, this is easily bypassed by using the Secunia PERSONAL Software Inspector (PSI), which does NOT use java (however, it uses Flash, which seems to be equally under attack).
I’m not saying that’s the only site that uses Java… just the only one I used to visit regularly. My wife tried living without Java, but some site she used… not sure, it might have been eBay… forced her to put it back.
Note that some OFFLINE programs may also require java. The dataBASE module of OpenOffice, as well as most of the Wizzards in OpenOffice, require Java. But I’ve been able to use both the WRITER and CALC (“Excel”) modules without encountering a need for Java. [Perhaps some features that I haven’t accessed will require it?]
About the only other time I personally used a java-based program was a foreign language learning program. Since I didn’t think too highly of that particular program, I felt no loss when I went java free.
At work, one of the people uses a java-based program, so it had to be installed on some [but not all] of the work machines.
Bottom line: each person needs to test for him/herself whether they need Java. The simplest way is to DISABLE the Java add-on (plug-in) in one of your browsers, and try surfing around to your regular/important sites, to see which one(s), if any, advise you that you need java. [Alternatively, you can run the special IE with NO Add-Ons, which disables Java as well as all other add-ons. I tried this for a few days, and was pleasantly surprised to see how much I could live without.]
Or you can simply UNinstall java… and do your regular surfing until you discover something that actually needs java. And then you’ll have to decide how critical that site [or program] is to you, that you’d want to reinstall (or enable) java for its sake.
Please stress: Java is a completely separate entity from the sound-alike JavaSCRIPT. JavaSCRIPT is used almost everyone on the internet, and so it’s essential to have to view most web pages. But Java is not required. [I think some sites that used Java in the past have replaced it by Flash.]