JavaRa 1.16 beta

[08aug10] RaProducts’ JavaRa has been updated to version 1.16 beta

[added] Many new registry keys for JavaRa to remove
[added] New system of reading registry keys into the program
[added] New system of reading languages
[added] (beta!) x64 support
[fixed] (beta!) software crashes upon failure to access HOMEDRIVE environment variable
[fixed] (beta!) Broken jupdate method

Link to RaProducts:

Thanks for the update info, Fred, and for the link, Kenny. :slight_smile:

RaProduct’s JavaRa has been silently updated to reflect the publication of Oracle’s Java JRE


  • All possible debris up to version is now cleaned by JavaRa
  • Streamlined the database (alphabetized it and removed some double entries)
  • Added backward cleaning of JRE debris up to JRE 1.3.0

Simply redownload the program here and you’re ready to go.

Thanks again, Fred. :slight_smile: