

I am new to avast, so am still in the learning stage.

The following is in my Windows\Temp folder, and I can not delete the items.

What are they?

How do delete them?

My O/S is Windows 98.


Wellcome Wildman. Wellcome to avast forums. :wink:

They are temporary files created by Windows (and locked by it).

I think you can’t right now. You can make a DOS boot disk, boot the computer by the floppy, go to that folder by DOS and delete the files with ‘del’ command. Do you remember?

But, I won’t be so worried about them… They are ‘very’ small and won’t harm your system 8)

These jet files are by-products of running Avast! while using the ODBC database format. Switch it over to XML, and problem solved… You’ll then be able to delete the jet files and then Avast! won’t creat them anymore…

For info on changing it to XML format, see:;action=display;threadid=1647;start=0

(it’s the 3rd panel down)

The JET files in temp folder should be deleted automatically when the system shuts down (at least if the Jet drivers work correctly).
If you cannot delete the files, it’s OK - it means that they the ones currently used.


This was to much of a pain in the butt! I am now back to using another anti vir program.
Thanks but no thanks.

:frowning: :-[

Good grief, looks like it’s gonna be one of “those” days. I’m just looking around for the first time today (I’m a late riser), and this is the third topic I’ve seen in this forum alone where someone would rather do without protection than make a simple adjustment.

??? ???

I must be missing something here… what is the problem with the jet files? That’s the reason why the TEMP folder exists in Windows - so that the applications can store their temporary data there. And of course, they cannot be deleted when they are in use - if the users like you (who don’t know what the files are good for) start to delete them, the application/system would probably crash or loose important data.
Shortly, everything was just as it was supposed to be.

Well, good luck elsewhere.

[quote author=MikeBCda
a simple adjustment.

??? ???
To some perhaps. Maybe you could tell us how to accomplish this adjustment? Also why I am on a roll, your server is slower than my grandmother (and she has been dead for over 40 years).

Wildman ???


As you said, one of those days. We seem to be getting more of them. Guess it’s cause there are more users. See my post:;action=display;threadid=5787;start=0#msg43328 on the last one whos challange I took up after an attack on MacLover 2000.
Cheers ;D

I have corrected the link

Hi Wildman,

If you look at Starfighter’s reply, the simple adjustment referred to was changing one “word” in the INI file to switch the database over to XML and thereby eliminate the need for those JET files. And he also included a link steering you to more specific info on doing that.


I too am completely confused here… What’s wrong with the files, Wildman? Why do they irritate you that much? It’s perfectly normal for a program to have some temp files…

I have wondered about these files for a long time but just never asked about them. I use win98se and after a while you have a crap load of these jet files in the temp folder. I was told that win98 has problems in where the temp files do not get deleted automatically as they should if anyone else can verify it. I usually clean it out manually once a month. I will change the option in Avast rather than getting rid of a good antivir program.

i use win98 SE aswell and deleat anything in the TEMP folder about once a day, i normaly get about 2 jet files in there i can’t deleat, there not really a problem, i just leave them there, i used to get files like that when i used zonealarm (free), no real problem really.

I also use W98SE … but for some reason have no problem deleting JET files (or any other files in the Temp folder) … except those actually in use. Anyway, if they are in use, they do not need to be deleted. Some people just can not be satisfied no matter how much you try.

I think Wildman choose a good name for him. :wink:

Well, as I wrote, the temp files should be removed automatically, without the need to do it manually. If they are not, maybe updating the Microsoft MDAC components could help.


This most likely will be my last post on this BB.

To me Temp. means Temp. and not permanent!

As I told you I was new to AVAST. I did not want or need any hassles. I don’t want to have to make any adjustments, either the program is easy for me to use or it is not. If not it is on to some other Anti Vir program. In this case it was on to another Anti Virus program.


I wish you luck in your endevors to find an anti-virus program that works as you want. Hopefully, it will also protect you from viruses.
Peace :o

Wildman, we can help you to adjust avast to your needs.
But we cannot say that you won`t have to make any adjustments. This is not avast. This will be a bad antivirus programm (the one without adjustments).

avast is very configurable and suits for a lot of users, conditions and so on. If you don`t want to learn a little about it, just let the default options and set for automatically updates.

More than this only if we give food directly into your mouth ;D

Wildman, I hope you will give Avast a last chance. Like you I am using Win98 and wanted the best out of Antivir programs. I have tried Mcafee, AntiVir, AVG, and Etrust and since we both have Win98, I can tell you that you will have to mess around more with the other programs than with Avast and they are not even as good as Avast. It took me less than two minutes to change the ODBC to XML and get rid of the jet files from coming back and the process was very simple to fix.

The other thing is that you will get no support or very limited support from the other freeware software unless you pay $$$$ for the software.

Unfortunately you win some and sometimes, you loose some.
The sad part is that we all know he’s going to be the looser. :cry: