jg6w3yx.com suspicious file

Referring to the website http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?p=1199685

Avast shows me a warning message that C:\jg6w3yx.com using a heuristic method. I can’t delete it by using Avast (Avast always shows me the message on start up even if I have clicked “delete” many times) so I search the name on the internet and I found the website above. As the consequent, I found two files, listed on the website, on the start-up list (using msconfig) in my computer; their names are “j3ewro” and “kxvo”. Should I follow their instructions on the website? because I don’t want to infect more viruses and I wonder if you have a better solution for this. Note* I can’t choose to show all hidden files in the Windows Explorer and I think this is because the virus or whatever you call it. Therefore, I can’t send you the *.exe file. Thank you for the answer.

kxvo.exe is not detected by avast?

On my computer, the answer is NO. However, I found the website telling me how to remove the virus by using cmd.exe and the below is the link if anyone is interested in.


could we have the sample? it would help us to improve the detections…

Sorry I hope that I can send you the viruses but I can’t copy them and I have alreadly deleted all of them. However, if I find it again I will try to send you one, alive ^^.

Thanks for helping improving detection.