Joomla Website Hacked: Downloaded everything and scanned with Avast

So my hosting company would touch this.

So I did an FTP transfer and downloaded the entire thing to my MAC.

Immediately AVAST alarms went off that I had infected files in the directory I downloaded.

I quickly scanned the isolated directory and found ~250 infected files…

SO now what?

How Do I select them all and dlete them?

Or do I move them to a folder and delete them
or do I EXPORT them someone to delete them…

I honostely can find the options in this program to act on the findings…

Thanks for you help!

I would not delete all the files. I would search the files for malicious elements and remove those found.

Such elements include long lines of code and obfuscation.]][img]]

here is what I see…yet there is no way to delete a whole bunch of files

Those are in the cache…

The delete button does not work? I am not familiar with Mac…

We are in thw AVAST for MAc right :slight_smile:

If I am going to delete 213 of these things one by one, i think I will run it by someone on this forum eh!!!