JRE Version 7 & version 8

Thanks for letting me know and thanks to everyone for helping me out too :). I will download that on Wednesday and let you know how it went?

Good luck. and remember to un-install the older version first. Remember using that link about verifying older versions will only tell you about the 7 series, you may need to do the same as I did by removing 7 manually first then downloading the new version 8 separately.

When a new version is available for download it would be good if Avast was able to employ a service that will attempt to un-install any older version series of JRE, then download the newer version for your system automatically.

Thanks again for both of your comments nightshade. Avast team has plans for Avast Software Updater in Avast 2015 to become more better and include fixes for Avast Software Updater. About downloading the newer version automatically in system that’s not available in Avast Free version (only PRO and Internet Security)

See https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=153882.msg1118984#msg1118984. These two are the offline install programs for the JRE.

So I should download the .exe file of Java 8?

It’s all in the instructions.

I was confused when you mentioned this “See https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=153882.msg1118984#msg1118984. These two are the offline install programs for the JRE.” As for Windowsx86 there are two versions of Java 8 online and offline. I have the 64-bit version of my Windows OS.

Currently Avast Software Updater says that my Java 7 is 32-bit and also it shows that an update for Java 8 is here which is also 32-bit. I will then only download the x86 (online version). Is that correct? Or should I download the Windows 64-bit (.exe file) of Java 8?

The X86 install is needed if you need to use Java in Firefox. If you are running any 64 bit program that requires Java you will also need to install the X64 version.

I use the offline installers as one is less likely to get an add-on program which isn’t needed. I’ve never gotten anything but Java when using the offline installers.

I went for Windows x86 Offline 32.17 MB

Actually I didn’t, I went for Windows x86 Online 0.61 MB, and made sure I un-ticked any add-ons prior to the installation.

Well I don’t use Firefox anymore. I only use Google Chrome. All of my other programs are x86 except my WINRAR which is 64-bit. So I should go for the online installation of Java 8 x86version (online). Since my current Java 7 is 32bit. I only see streaming movies and stuff like that on my google chrome.

I have Java installed for a couple of programs I use that require it. I have it disabled in my browsers via the Java Control Panel, as I haven’t found a site I need to utilize that requires it. Doing so eliminates one more potential vector of exploitation.

As for me should I install the 32-bit or 64-bit of Java 8 in my laptop? Currently I have the 32-bit version of Java 7.

It’s to you to decide which you need. You may not have a need for Java at all. Only by knowing what programs you have installed that may use Java, or what web sites you visit that require Java to work can you decide. That is not a choice I can make for you. The responsibility is all yours.

I would tend to go with the bit version that Avast is reporting.

Thanks :slight_smile:

FYI, I don’t know if any of you run CollabNet Subversion Edge servers, but if you do, it’s not yet compatible with JRE 8.
