
I bought a dell computer.
It comes with Mcafee but I like avast. I use the free edition.
I download avast from superdownloads.com.br pt-BR version, but this site redirects to files.avast.com, so I download from the avast server.
I formatted my pc wiith the dell cd for factory reset.
I installed avast with mcafee 2 times and both times mcafee detects JS:Banker ,a virus that steals password and clean it.
It detects in the folder C:\Windows\Temp_avast_, file JS:Banker.

It this installation of avast coming with a password stealer? Is mcafee making a trick?
It says that clean my pc and show me a page that this virus is at low risk, but a virus that steal password for me is a high risk.

Pls, can you guys from avast team tell me what is happenning? Is the brazilian avast free edition version really coming with a banker stealer?

Thanks in advance.,
Pedro Luiz

you can not have two AV installed…you must uninstall McAfee before installing avast

after unintsall it is recomended to run a removal tool so all leftover files are gone

run and reboot - Uninstallers – Security Software

avast! antivirus is virus free.

Also, it is not recommended to have multiple antiviruses on a computer.

See: http://www.ehow.com/how_6648097_uninstall-mcafee-install-avast.html
on how to completely uninstall Mcafee