Hi, I was surfing the internet and received a warning message from avast to abort connection because a js:feebs family virus was detected. I aborted connection and scanned my whole system using the avast antivirus. Is my computer infected or did avast catch the virus before it attacked my computer? Thanks, matt
Hi doc.savage,
You fond some relevant info when you search feebs on this forum, look here for instance:
The detection was by the web shield and the idea of the abort connection is not to download the infected file into your browser cache/HDD, so you shouldn’t find anything on your system.
Web Shield provider protects your computer from viruses that may infect your computer when browsing the Internet - especially when downloading files from web pages.If you - possibly by mistake - download an infected file and try to start it, avast! will prevent the infection thanks to its Standard Shield provider (which scans all files that you start of open). With Web Shield, however, the virus will be detected even sooner - during the download of the file. So, Web Shield makes your computer even safer than before.
Thanks! I did a boot up scan and everything appears clear.
No problem, glad we could help, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.
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