JS:Miner-C ... coinhive

Hi everyone,

I’m having the same issue as Dani44 and others who have posted in his thread.

I’m also running MAC OS and all the info I find about removing JS:Miner-C or coinhive is Windows related.

Note that I would’ve replied in Dani44’s thread just below but I cannot even do that as reaching 3rd page there triggers the warning!! See screenshot:


Please help!

Perhaps worth noting is that I get this warning with all browsers (safari, firefox, chrome)
Cannot reach this page at all https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=209628.30

The message/warning will pop up randomly on other pages too.

Should work now, try again.

I can reach the page fine now. What happened?!

Any input on how to eradicate this thing from my computer?


  1. A user posted live/malicious code there, it got removed.
  2. Can’t help you with a Mac, sorry.

Ridiculous to think that some assh*le would post malicious code in the very thread asking for help against it!


You’re welcome.