JS:Pdfka-SQ [Expl] avast found this in my EQ2 folders

11/11/2009 11:32:52 PM SYSTEM 1480 Sign of “HTML:Iframe-inf” has been found in “E:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\mozilla\Cache_CACHE_001_” file.
11/12/2009 10:44:32 AM Patricia 4224 Sign of “JS:Pdfka-SQ [Expl]” has been found in “E:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\mozilla\Cache\190F524Ad01” file.
11/12/2009 2:30:28 PM Patricia 4224 Sign of “JS:Pdfka-SQ [Expl]” has been found in “E:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\mozilla\Cache\7B3719BCd01” file.

above is the log file for malware found in my EQ2 folders…Is a legitimate malware or a false positive? I moved the files to chest but am concerned if this will mess up my game if they are false positives. any idea’s? I tried searching for info on this malware on the net in in Everquest 2 Game forums but have found nothing…please help don’t know what to do with these files.


okay got a clue how my eq2 files got infected…using the in-game browser, not a good idea. Stuck to eq2 sites for quest help and such but must have picked up something so glad i put the malware in the chest. is there anything else i should do or is that enough?

I would say you should clear your browser cache as a precaution.

There is no rush to delete anything from the chest, a protected area where it can do no harm. Anything that you send to the chest you should leave there for a few weeks. If after that time you have suffered no adverse effects from moving these to the chest (which I doubt), scan them again (inside the chest) and if they are still detected as viruses (most likely), delete them.

Welcome to the forums, kenshin61. :slight_smile:

That should be enough. They can be left in the chest for as long as you like. The suggested time is for at least 2 weeks. During that time, an update may prove that the files may have been a false positive. After that time, right click each file and scan it again. If they still show as infected, and your computer is running as it should, you may delete them from the chest if you want but they can stay there indefinitely.

Edit :
OOPS! David posted while I was writing.

okay thanks for the info…i will clear my cache and rescan those files in a couple of weeks. good advice.

No problem, glad I could help.

Welcome to the forums.