Is there a unique set up for checking in coming and out going e-mail for Juno users?
I’m using Avast free home addition.
Windows 98
Is there a unique set up for checking in coming and out going e-mail for Juno users?
I’m using Avast free home addition.
Windows 98
You can search the board for the keyword Juno.
And you can go Start buttom > … > avast antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard.
Run and follow the messages.
If I remember rightly Juno uses an web based email service, e.g. you view your email using your browser, is that correct?
If so then the email scanners won’t scan it as this is http mail not POP3 email, unless you use some other third party software tool to convert it from http to pop3 email and download it into your email program.
If you view/download it using your browser then Standard Shield should scan the files as they are created in your browsers temporary internet files or saved on to your HDD.
I used Juno a couple of months ago, and they do offer free POP3 email. So the setting is the same for any email service if you are using a POP3 mail client. No unique set up needed.
Just follow the instructions Tech has posted. Since you have Win98, the transparent email scanning won’t work, so you will have to manually set it up.
With Win98 SE you should have:
pop3 server= smtp server =
username = mail.server.coml#user or
smtp authentication enabled and the username there = mail.server.coml#user or