Just a question..

Hello! I use avast as my virus protection and I love it.
A family member of mine has gotten a virus on her computer and I’m hoping I can help her out. So this is my question. If she registers for an activation key, can we then put her computer into safe mode and d/l the home version of avast and run a virus scan while her computer is still in safe mode? Will this help in getting rid of her virus?
I’m pretty computer illiterate, but the last time I had a virus (before I discovered avast) this is what a local computer repair shop had me do, except I ran ad aware while in safe mode. Will avast work this way? Thanks for any help any one can give, I appreciate it!

Others may think differently but I avoid trying to change AV’s while in the midst of an infection.

Do you know if there’s an active, up to date antivirus on her computer now? If so, what is it, and what did it detect?

Honestly I have no idea. I would think if it was active/up to date that it would have caught the virus, but then again maybe not. That’s a question I need to ask her. I wonder if she does have an anti virus program if I should run it first in safe mode, before trying to d/l avast?

As mauserme said, it would be unwise trying to change the AV program in the middle of an infection, and we really need to know the name of the infection.

One thing you can try in safe mode is DrWeb CureIT!. It doesn’t need to be installed: just run the program.

Also try the usual free adware/spyware scanners, again in safe mode. (These will all run happily alongside an existing AV.)

AVG Anti-Spyware Free (Requires Win2k/XP)
Ad-Aware Free
Spybot Search & Destroy
SUPERAntiSpyware Free

These may well do the job: then you can remove any existing AV and install avast!

If there is no AV on the computer, you can install avast! You will be prompted to do a boot time scan after installing avast! Allow this scan- a boot time scan occurs even before safe mode, so it’s obviously better. If you find the virus is disabling the existing AV or an installation of avast!, try the DrWeb scan in safe mode.

Many infections today are ‘hidden’ infections: if you find the ‘virus’ persists, scan for and remove rootkits (hidden malware), then run all the above scans again:

Panda Antirootkit
AVG Anti-Rootkit

Yes, avast could run in Safe Mode. But, maybe you have trouble to install it in Safe Mode.

avast has a boot time scanner that could work better than in Safe Mode.

Do not use two antivirus at the same time in the same computer…

When you post again also let us know what her operating system is.

I wonder if she does have an anti virus program if I should run it first in safe mode, before trying to d/l avast?

If the existing AV is up-to-date, by all means try a scan with that. If the subscription has expired, I’d try DrWeb in safe mode, rather than try to remove the old AV and install avast!

Thank you all so much for all your help so far! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!

As soon as I talk with her again I’ll find out what her operating system is. I do know that she uses WinXP. She had to reinstall it last week, as she was trying to remove programs that she hadn’t used in a while and unintentionally removed the program. She used the recovery disk and reinstalled XP, but I’m wondering if she also may have inadvertently removed her AV program. I’ll have her check that!

I feel like the blind leading the blind in trying to help her. But I know how frustrating this virus stuff can be! >:(

If it turns out that she does have an AV that is no longer active maybe I’ll recommend that she delete it and use avast instead?

Why not invite her to join this thread. It would be easier :slight_smile:

I second that, we don’t bite ;D and she could benefit from the experience, even if you have to help her further. I make it a little more difficult (read longer) acting through a third party.

The operating system = what version of windows does she use and you have answered that, XP, Home I assume.