;D Some individuals may know me form post at other sites, and also know my disgust with another virus protection program. Well I just wanted to say, that due to the generosity of another, I am now utilizing The PRO addition of AVAST. I had the “free” once before, but really didn’t know how to set all the options, and when it slowed down the response of my machine I got rid of it. Well time has passed, I have learned more, and have figured out a few things. I now can say that this product is working like a champ, and I foresee myself using it for a long time to come. I just wanted to say thank you for a great product, and the support to which you give it. I am dependent upon using “freeware” wherever possible, so this product is a blessing for me, and I wouldn’t doubt many others as well.
Man oh man, I just downloaded the updates on dail-up, took 12 seconds. You bet I am now a happy camper. I do have a suggestion, for individuals like me, you might want to have an instruction section in this forum on how to set up AVAST and utilize the various options, and make it real simple to understand, this is why I left AVAST in the first place, I didn’t understand on how to set it up or use it. I could have saved myself a bunch of grief had I known these things.
I now unabashedly would recommend this product to all who would listen to me. As a good deal of you know I look at more than just how well the product detects viruses, and this company and product has impressed me. Keep up the excellent work.
Help file does help, but many people simply don’t know it’s actually there
Reading FAQ also helps quiet a bit. If you don’t understand something after that you can quick search the forums and then ask in new thread.
There is lots of info resources, you just have to search a bit through them.
If you know how to Google you should be fine
There are a number of sticky threads at the top of each forum full of useful information to help you get the best from avast.
As RejZoR says, the help file is really helpfull ;D and out of the box the default settings work for most people, giving a balance between performance and protection.
: Know of another individual who is not enthused with the afore alluded to virus protection program on his sisters computer. He has gone an installed another product on her machine stating that he did not chose AVAST because she couldn’t understand it. RejZor, you should direct him to this forum and the threads you have indicated. I would be safe in saying that I think if he could get to feel comfortable he would be much better off with AVAST. I don’t have the technical knowledge to feel comfortable doing this myself, thus I solicit your assistance in trying to convince him.