Just Bought a Mac... Do I need Avast?

Just purchased first Mac after coming to the conclusion that Windows 8 Isn’t for me. Do I really neen Avast? I had it on my Win 7 Machines and I loved it. What about on a Mac?

While anti virus on a Mac is not as critical as on Windows, it is still a requirement to protect you and your computer on the net
So yes, by all means install avast on your mac.

It provides you with security against all known Mac viruses and assists in making your web surfing safer.
It can be configured to do its job in the background, unobtrusively

Asking that question in a forum that is frequented by either the makers of the AV or users of the said AV will likely get you the answer that yes, you need/should use an AV, but what answer would you expect in such an environment?