Just Conducted First Scan Using Avast! Mac Edition / 42128 TAR archive corrupted

Hi there,

So I just ran my first scan, and I received some “42128 TAR archive is corrupted” in my Python.framework folder. Three of them, exactly. (a couple of them are testtar.tar and one is 30=atime=1041808783.000000000) Is this bad, and if so how bad is this exactly? And how can I repair this, if even possible?

Thanks in advance. (And sadly, I don’t know tooooo much about computers.) :T

  • Will

willnotsmith: I don’t think you have to worry, I just bought a mac and avast! was the first program I installed on it. I scanned the computer right away and exactly the same thing happened to me, except I had 2 decompression bombs too (system.log.3, bootroot.loader.dmg). :slight_smile:

avast!: Is the decompression bombs anything to worry about or should I just leave them? ???

decompression bombs are usually just archives with very high compression ratio.
The corrupted tar archive might be some unsupoported extension, could you send it to cimbal@avast.com, please?


I also have several of these TAR archive is corrected, as well as ZIP archive is corrupted and OLE archive is corrupted. These seem to be warnings – what does that mean? Should I delete them?

nope, it’s just strange property of a particular archive - nothing severe, usually.
