I just realized when I looked at my Free Avast that I have version 5.0.594. When it said program update I never realized that the old version would just upgrade to the new one by itself. Wow, what a relief, everything is working perfect.
My question is: Since you are giving such a good price to upgrade to Avast Internet Security how do I go about upgrading?
Please explain so I don’t have to come back with more questions. I need to know if I have to uninstall the Free version I have now?
I know how busy you are but step by step directions wouls really be appreciated. Thank you ever so much.
HP Pavilion Elite
Windows Vista Home Edition 64 bit
I need to know if I have to uninstall the Free version I have now?
1.when you have recived the license for avast AIS, download the program and save it
2. disconnect from net and uninstall avast free
3. install avast AIS as trail, reboot and connect to net
4. insert license
I wonder why you don’t go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then Please select your country: then Signature: and put information about your system just like my signature about your system just like my signature so that the helpers can offer pertinent advice like Pondus has. ???
As you are using Windows Vista Home Edition 64 bit SP2 then your signature should show SP2 not SP3 that has not been announced yet and should be Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit
Uninstalling should not be necessary. After entering the license file (e.g. by doubeclicking on it), the program should update itself to the corresponding paid edition (provided the computer is connected to the Internet).
Well, heres the fascism of it all. What if you have like 6 computers and then something fudges up on more than one at the same time?
Yer saying to edit the profile with system information per issue relevant to said system? Cripes, no wonder Kenny always gets it in the end. I think it’s easier to simply include the information in the post rather then fudge with a “signature” all of the time.
I guess it makes sense with different display cards and processors and all of that but…