Just wondering, to be cautious ...

I was going to check my NetZero e-mail, but I accidently enter the wrong NetZero address.

I entered

instead of netzero.net/netzero.com

I don’t have a clue why, but I did. Anyway, I went there and got some werided out page, and immediatly clicked back before (at least I think) the entire page fully loaded.

I was just wondering, is there anything malicious on that site ? I get a bit panic-like on this subject (and that is why I have plenty on PC security and maintenance programs installed, as you can see on my signature). I went on it with IE7 with no security bar displayed before clicking back, and the security programs didn’t react.

Just wondering, for the reassurance. Thanks for the time.

If you want to check a link (not a complete site) you can use this DrWeb link or the DrWeb Firefox extension, http://online.drweb.com/?url=1 netzero.org default page comes up clean. However that page redirects to megago.com/l/ which also comes up clean.

Whew, thats good news. Thanks for the info :slight_smile: !!

Your welcome.