Could someone please post the size of the 4.6.665 → 4.6.691 update? It should be stated in the Summary window after a successful update attempt.
Also (if you have already updated) the same information should be stored in the \setup\summary.txt file.
I’m not interested in update sizes from the betas, just from 665.
Ooops sorry Vlk, just checked my summary.txt file and unfortunately it has been over written by a VPS update. I will try and get it from a friend who wont have updated yet.
Information about current update:
Total time: 48 s
- Program: Updated
(previous version: 4.6.665, updated version: 4.6.691)
- Vps: Already up to date
(current version 0527-2)
- Setup: Updated
(previous version: 4.6.665, updated version: 4.6.691)
Server: (
Downloaded files: 7 (1.090,19 KB)
Download time: 20 s
An interesting suggestion comes out of all this – how about separate “summary” files for VPS and for the program? And in each case, there’d be an archive copy from the last time there actually was an update, as opposed to just checks which showed nothing new available?
All the info is hidden in the setup.log anyway, but I think that Vlk didn’t have the balls to ask the crowd to dig in the very, very verbose log file ;D