JV-16 freeware still available

Hi all,

There’s been mention somewhere here, and I didn’t do a search for the specific postings (forgive me for I have sinned :wink: ), of the JV-16 Power Tools, which was a favorite of mine too till it went from freeware to shareware.

Lo and behold, if anyone’s interested you can still download ver. (the last freeware version) here.

Best to all,

I’m downloading it now…
I’m not sure because, sometimes, the linked file is already updated and the webpage not…
Anyway, it it works, how, great work! :wink:

MikeBCda and Technical,

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the file download is 1.4 even though the page says I just checked it out. >:(

Macecraft made sure that all downloads are the new shareware version even if the pages say elsewise. :cry:

Sorry about that – I already had the older one, so didn’t check it any further than whether it was actually downloading something as opposed to the apparently dead links I’d previously found.

Actually there are still a few places you can still get it as freeware, but it means dropping back several versions, 1.1 or even further.

thank you it the effort that counts afterall :slight_smile: I found a version 1.0.0.xx
download but the update feature doesnt work (i guess it the shareware version only) anyway even though its old it does the job im very happy with it

I’m becoming a prophet! :wink:
Thanks bbfi, you save me from a download :smiley:

Hang on, crew, I don’t give up THAT easy! :smiley:

By way of background, I’d originally gotten a copy of the installer (the right one, that is, from a friend at the Computers/Tech forum at MGH BrainTalk, sort of a monster support group for almost anything related to neurology. She’d set up a temporary link for me so I could download it. I’d gotten into the habit of scrapping installers once I was happy they’d worked right, to save disk space, so didn’t still have it afterwards,

And she says that due to semi-overwhelming demand, she’s now uploaded it again. Take a look at http://www.geocities.com/rsd_bytes/jv16pt_v130196lastfreever.zip

Two notes, the first more critical:

  1. You’ll have to copy-and-paste the address into your browser, or save it as a favorite/bookmark/whatever – direct “hot” links into geocities are impossible, as you may already know.

  2. If you want this thing, I’d suggest you try it fairly promptly, I suspect she’ll be cleaning house again before too much longer.

Best to all,

(Later) ARRGGGHH - Forget the above. :stuck_out_tongue: I went for it myself so I could have a valued archive copy of this rare and treasured installer – and it’s corrupted or something. RealDownload quickly determined I was looking at around 2.2 or 2.3 megs and started off fine enough, but happily finished at around 980K. And there was nothing to unpack. I suspect this ZIP is just a single file anyway, a slightly compressed version of the installer EXE.

I’ve passed the word along to my friend, and hopefully she’ll come up with something, but in the meantime …

Hope that “it’s the thought that counts” still applies :slight_smile:


Im not sure about YOUR results, but I went to the Geocities link you provided and downloaded 1.3

I just installed and used it. Believe me…it is version 1.3

The link is now overloaded and will take about an hour to clear.


I suggest you try the Geocities link again. The file size should be about 2.3mb


Hi techie,

Glad you got it on the first try – apparently part of my problem was that, as you implied, that geocities link overloads VERY easily. She suggested I try “Save target as”, in case my Real Download was acting up, and I’ve just succeeded in getting a copy myself that way.

So if anyone else wants it, it’s still there – but be prepared for a LOT of tries.
