Karma and Badges processing is ready

Today we finalised analysing account history so you should see all you Karma and Badges correctly. If not, please report it here.

At my.avast.com it still says beta.
A small thing that need to be changed i.m.o.

Mine also is still stated as being the Beta version… Please help :slight_smile:

It will stay a Beta for a while. At least until the real rewards (licenses, etc.) will be published. Otherwise it would not be a much a of “rewards” feature. :wink:

Ahhh I see, okay it all makes to me now ha ha thank you!

According to what MartinZ wrote at Karma points/bages not getting activated if we don’t see all our Karma and Badges correctly it might take some time to update.

You’re saying we should report it right away?

This topic certainly succeeds to old topic reference that you quoted.

As in:

Yeah, I noticed that.
I just wanted to make sure with OndraM whether or not we should wait a little before we report.
I don’t think that a storm of people who have this issue, like me, will be a good idea in a case we indeed should wait…

So, storm ahead! (I guess…)

I didn’t get the Community Member badge although I set the “Participate in the avast! community” a long time ago.
Unsetting and resetting it won’t help…
I attached two screenshots.

In addition, I don’t have the Long-Term badge although I’m using avast! with my account for way more than a year.
From when is it counting? If it’s from more than a year back - than I have another missing badge…

Hello Oz, thanks for report. I checked it. Long-time membership is counted since you registered and because you registered your Avast Account on 6th December 2013 you should get your badge pretty soon but not yet.
I see, that you are a member of Avast community now. But I am right, that you still didn’t upgraded to Avast 2015? Only current version of Avast is sending gamification events. Old versions are not supported.
In the export record I don’t see flag, that you are community member. Can you confirm, that you were using Avast actively during last three months and at the time you were Avast community member?

Thanks a lot for your reply!
As for the Long-Term badge - I’ll wait.
As for the Community Member badge - I was indeed using avast actively, and I’m on an older version (2014.9.0.2021) since it won’t automatically update the program although it’s set to do so.
I’m waiting with the manual update since I’m waiting for Avast support team to answer my ticket since it’s an ongoing issue for more than a year now.

In my Avast Account page there’s an option to send a download link with my tag so avast will register my recommendation and grant me extra karma points and a free Internet Security license after a number of downloads.

[ol]- Can I refer people to the direct download link of avast and still be credited?
i.e. if my recommendation link is:
which will lead me to an explanation and to a download button which leads to this link:
which will initiate the download of the installation which link is:
can I refer people to the direct download link of avast and still be credited? (the third and the last link above)

  • Is there a way to tag the offline installer as well?[/ol]

I downloaded the mobile backup app (200 karma), attached a google+ account (50 karma) and ran a full scan but none of them were added to my Avast account.

Add 1. It actually doesn’t matter which link you will use to get karma points. All that links points to add your recommendation id to the Avast installer.
Add 2. I don’t think it’s possible.

Hello Aron, thank you for being interested in Avast rewards. Because of technology karma points are not processed on the fly, but it has some delay. But events were captured and as I see now your karma points should be fine.

In the last week or so, I made 2 or 3 recommendations but that din’t unlock the badge and I was not given the karma for the first recommendation. Can someone tell me when are they going to be registered? Thank you.

Hello kello05. Great to hear, that you recommended Avast to the others. But you will get your karma points (and badge) when someone will really install Avast using your recommendation link and will really use it. I see that nobody has used your recommendation link yet.

Something must be wrong, because I personally installed Avast on two of my friend’s PC’s using my recommendation link. I even connected them to an Avast Account in the hope that I will receive my badge and karma. Is there another request other than installing Avast and runing it?


I got a link to this thread from the non-english-zone (German).

I have some trouble with my license for Avast. I recommended 21 friends but I only got 2 licenses. Waiting for some weeks to get the 3rd and last license, but it didn’t appear. What should I do? Can anyone help me?


Hi keloo05,

Can you please provide more details about the link you used?
avast generating 1 link, but eventually there are 3 different links which result in one installation file.
Will you please provide your installation file name?
I think it should be something like avast_free_antivirus_setup_[your tag ID].exe (while you should replace your tag ID instead of [your tag ID]).

In addition, please look at these messages:

@matej.plch, thanks a lot for your quick answer.
I just want to notify that although I’m using one of these links the file that is downloaded is avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe and not avast_free_antivirus_setup_uYWvX8Ua.exe.
So again, as you said, I should be credited?
The installation somehow recognizing this, although it seems that the generic online installation file is downloaded?

It’s only little bit confusing URL naming. The recommendation number is included and you can find it in avast5.ini after installation.