
Microsoft has dropped KB2990214 in to my my optional updates (release date April 7 2015). It appears to be Windows 10 technical preview (or installer thereof) for people who have registered for it. I’ve certainly not registered for pre-release Win 10 and I haven’t installed this update (!) … has anyone else received this update or know why Microsoft is pushing it?

It’s getting your computer ready for the free upgrade to Windows 10 if you choose to take advantage of the upgrade
once it’s released later this year.
Yours computer, your choice. :slight_smile:

I don’t mind installing preparatory updates for the finished release of Win 10 (I’ve already allowed some of those to install) but the information link for 2990214 takes me here http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/preview-faq?ocid=client_wu suggesting that the update will install the preview!

I have had Windows 10 Installed for quite a few month but, on a separate partition.
You could uninstall that update by following these steps:

  1. Open the start menu and search for “View installed updates”.
  2. Search for “KB2990214” without the “”. You should find an update that was installed today.
  3. Right click and press “Uninstall”.
  4. Reboot and run Windows update again.

I would not update your current OS to Windows 10 at this time.

Really strange “update”.
This is the information about it:

Installation date: ?10/?1/?2014 12:15 PM Installation status: Pending Error details: Code 80242014 Update type: Important Fix for KB2990214 More information: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=2990214 Help and Support: http://support.microsoft.com

Something strange also, the page for the article does not excist.

The version in my ‘optional updates’ appears to be an update or re-release (dated this week). I didn’t install it but - if I’d not been paying attention - I might have, it looks just like any old generic Win 7 update. There’s nothing in the Windows Update screen to suggest it will replace the operating system, if that is what it does.

It seems to me just a preparation to make a update (if you want it) possible.

Just as with a car.
You can have a hitch(?), but it doesn’t mean you need to get a trailer.
It is just there in case you want to use one.

Just add, The update must be OS specific, as I have not been offered this optional Update on W8.1
However I have installed all updates for W8.1 “optional” and “important”
The update I installed yesterday for my OS was KB3044374(optional)

Windows 7 needs a lot more preparation than Windows 8. :slight_smile:

The problem might be with the MS info for the update which clearly suggests it’s an installer for the Win 10 technical preview for those who’ve requested it. A friend (braver than me!) is installing it now … will report back.

Friend has installed the update and reports “Rebooted as normal, no mention of preview or trials for Win 10 at the moment”.

Yeah I too got that update and I installed it. So when Window 10 comes out I can choose to install it.

I didn’t know what this update was for. Like usual, I skim the description and install optional updates if they seem worthwhile.

Next thing I notice waking up, before rebooting, my junction links/customised locations for folders was entirely borked. Wake up to missing icons, files, everything.

So I see that Windows has decided to mess with the registry or something to default locations for appdata folders and things like that.

Just spent the past 7 hours getting my emails back in place, icons, shortcuts and the rest. Heaps of fun.

Thanks for that Micro$haft.

Warning, do not install this update if you have customised windows installtion.

I don’t want Windows 10 and I didn’t sign up for anything! And yep, the ‘info’ link doesn’t exist. Great work there guys.

Both my laptop and desktop is equipped with Windows 10 and it’s genuine and it is not customized installation. Both of them installed correctly and successfully and no problems.

@ coreanti
I think you’re complaining in the wrong place.
The people to complaint to are Microsoft, not Avast. :slight_smile: