I keep getting this message when I try to start AVAST
Application cannot load skin. Function "usiGetSkin " failed
read more about this problem in FAQ.
Anyone know how to fix this problem. I am using avast 4.7 with XP
I keep getting this message when I try to start AVAST
Application cannot load skin. Function "usiGetSkin " failed
read more about this problem in FAQ.
Anyone know how to fix this problem. I am using avast 4.7 with XP
About the “usigetskin failed” issue, if the repair does not solve it:
You will have to register ACTSKIN4.OCX
Follow the instructions:
Select START → RUN…
Enter the following command:
If you have Windows NT or 2000:
If you have Windows 95, 98 or ME:
If you have Windows XP:
If you have Windows x64:
Press OK (or Enter).
A message saying that the file was successfully registered should appear…
For some reason, ActiveSkin (the 3rd party library avast uses for skinning) does not seem to be working on your system. As a workaround, we may disable skinning in avast - that should solve the problem.
To do that, open the file \data\avast4.ini, look up the [UserInterface] section, and add the following entry: