Kerio and Avast!

Today i’ve downloaded the Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall 4. But, when i’ve tried to allow avast! to access to the internet (now it works ;D), i’ve got a BSOD (blue screen) that invokes the file kpfss.sys (or another…)… My question is :

Is avast! totally compatible with the Kerio Firewall?


There are many forum members using Kerio and avast, it is quite popular.

However, most of this was before Sunbelt took it over and rebadged it, but I don’t think anything has changed other than the rebadging of it.

Can’t find anything with google on kpfss.sys are you sure that is the correct file name ?

When Windows crashes, where is the file that contains all the datas and informations about the crash?

Windows\minidump\ I believe and the files have a .mdp file type. You have to have set windows up to create minidump files on a crash.


Yes avast! is fully compatible with Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall.

I remember that i have a conflict between google desktop and kerio firewall. yes, BSOD.

then, I uninstall them all and then install kerio first, the problem disappear.

you can try it.

take a look at the 2 links below, I am also experienceing the BSOD with Kerio. However I am using kaspersky. It appears that Sunbelt is aware of the problem and they are looking for solutions.,15256330