Hi, I see for another post in this forum that there is a incompatibility between Kerio v.4 and Avast. :o
I’m presently using Kerio v.2.1.5 and am not experiencing any problems however, I’m thinking of upgrading to ver 4. Have the issues been resolved?
Or shall I wait with the upgrade for the time being?
if you look closely at the disucssion thread about KPF you’ll see that most of the posts are actually from yesterday (Saturday) – so it’s quite up-to-date. Everything described there is true so far.
I can assure one thing, though: by the time KPF4 ships we’ll have all these issues sorted out. There is a strong business interest in having those two programs work together perfectly.
Kerio 4 is still in beta and probably will be in beta for several more months. I would stick with 2.1.5 b/c it’s more stable and reliable than the current kerio release. They should have the problem fixed soon. You might try emailing them and citing the problem. More attention seems to give bugs priority these days. The address is on their website under the beta link.