Kernel32.dll and others in chest.

I am running XP SP 2.

During boot scan Avast caught 3 items and I chose to repair them.

These files are now in the chest. Their names are kernel32.dll, winsock.dll, and wsock32.dll.

Aren’t these critical system files. What should I do?

Any help would be deeply appreciated.

It’s difficult… At boot time, Chest drivers are not loaded… You can’t send any file to Chest at boot time…

These files should be at ‘System files’ folder, shouldn’t they?
They won’t be infected. They’re there just for backup purposes.
Click on the crossed bones icon (infected files) and see if you have any there… :slight_smile:

I have these same three files in my chest as well. But when I tried to restore them I got an overwrite warning. Last time I checked Windows didn’t repair itself :o
It seems a bit suspicious to me that the files were replaced automatically. But I just did a completel scan and found a irc trojan. Maybe they’re part of that? Isn’t that virus behavior to replace infected files that have been deleted?
Disguised as my mIRC.exe…

There should be no need for you to personally restore them unless the originals were infected. I’m making an assumption that since avast puts them in the system files section of the chest as backups, if it found one of the originals were infected it would initiate the replacement.

The originals haven’t been replaced, copies are stored in the system files section as a backup.

Infected files are stored in the (you guessed it) the Infected Files section.