Key in the icon

What does it mean when there is a key on top of the computer icon in the computer catalog display window?

It means license overdue. Do you have such a situation?

BTW how’s everything? :slight_smile:

Welcome back from vaca.

Yes one of our desktop users is in that predicament. I will have to investigate as our license is good for a whole year as it sits on the server.

As for everything else, I’ve started to install the server client on some NT 4.0 SP6 servers and am having difficulty in doing that. Knowing you were on vacation I sent a rather lengthy message to support with two different problems one which duplicates itself on another NT server. So I tried to install avast on 3 NT boxes none of which are working correctly. Jiri, I believe, is looking into them. If you want I could forward the email onto you as well.

Yes one of our desktop users is in that predicament. I will have to investigate as our license is good for a whole year as it sits on the server.

I don’t quite understand… There should be a key over a computer icon only if there are more computers on your network than the licenses in your license file. There is also some tolerance I believe (if I remember correctly, it’s 10%)…

As for everything else, I've started to install the server client on some NT 4.0 SP6 servers and am having difficulty in doing that. Knowing you were on vacation I sent a rather lengthy message to support with two different problems one which duplicates itself on another NT server. So I tried to install avast on 3 NT boxes none of which are working correctly. Jiri, I believe, is looking into them. If you want I could forward the email onto you as well.

I’d be quite interested in the email…
BTW are the problems related to ODBC (the local DB drivers)?


On the key issue, one of the machines lost it’s key when I did a refresh on it. Second the key will also show up if you are running NAV at the same time as Avast. An interesting tidbit.

I forwarded you the email let me know if you got it. Our ISP is having major mail problems today.

Actually the key is placed on random machines that are overdue. So the NAV thing is probably just a conincidence.

The NT4 issues are related to the unavailability of the ODBC/Jet drivers (as I expected) – I’ll write you an email about that…


This brings up a good point. After my disastorous double click on the deployment I have been going around and removing Avast from the machines that don’t need it so they don’t count against our license. However they are still in the dynamic catalog as listed as having avast installed. 1) How do I get them out of the installed category and back into the not installed category 2) How does the license manager compute how many systems are using avast against any given license?

1) How do I get them out of the installed category and back into the not installed category

You’ll have to delete them. And then possibly run a discovery task, or just not have them in the catalog at all (if that’s what you want).

2) How does the license manager compute how many systems are using avast against any given license?

Any machine that has had ever avast registered with the AMS counts. If the machine is permanently down/dead (or avast is removed from the machine), it should be removed from the catalog. Otherwise, it’s eating a license.