
Some of us have teen agers that must be watched whether we’d like to or not. Avast catches every kelogger that I have tried.

How does one make an exception?

Christian Hosting Solutions

Instead of that, maybe look into another solution that can be controlled a bit further? You can always add exceptions, but I don’t advise it (who knows if the keylogger isn’t malicious?).

I don’t know if you have the means, but is a great way to keep your network clean and secure (and keep the kiddies safe!).

You’ll need a dedicated machine to run it on, or a fast windows XP machine to install it on.

There are many other products too, and if you want, you could use to prevent from accessing malicious / porn / adult sites. This would block you too though, unless you provided different DNS servers for your machine.

As for the exceptions, right-click avast icon in the notification area of your start menu, and click “Program Settings.” Then click, “Exclusions.” You can then add the program to the exclusion list.

If you’re running windows Vista Ultimate, you can use the “Family Safety” (or whatever it’s called) program. Windows Live has a comparable product for XP, but it’s no where near as configurable as the one in Vista.

(Edited to remove a duplicate word)

Key loggers are by their nature not a pro-active measure but a reactive one (after you have checked). OpenDNS is certainly one way as their Dashboard function allows the blocking of specific site types.

Other options are parental control applications:

Key loggers are a problem for many AVs and not just avast because of what they do, they like many tools could be used for good or evil, so it is hard to determine intention.

I strongly recommend K9 for parental control :wink:

:slight_smile: Hi :

As a substitute for “parental control” software, would look into using the FREE
“SpywareBlaster” from ; it
sets “killbits” that will NOT allow going to Sites in its database . There is a
tutorial at .

Avast! 4.8 Home/Pro - WOT or Mcafee Site Advisor - Malwarebytes Free - Windows and Comodo,Online Armor,Pc Tools Firewall or any other can be good - Windows Defender - K9 Control Parental

For clean your pc : CCleaner (If he dont clean your history of your internet and temps file you can do it manually its easy.)

For disk : Disk Defragment

These thing look really good to my eyes for person that got child.

Dont be shy if you wanna comments the thing that i said :slight_smile:



I asked about making an exception to a particular keylogger and I didn’t ask for other ways of watching my teens. I like 007 or Invisible Key Logger because it sends me screen captures, username, passwords and more. I have one daughter that made a date through MySpace with a total stranger. So again respectfully, I asked how to give Avast an exception. It sucks haveing to do this, but I have three teen-aged daughters.

Thank you for understanding.

Well had toy read the very first reply to your post scythe944 answered that.

So I guess I won’t waste your time further.

Bob in settings under exclusions.
It says this.
Type path masks to be excluded from scanning.Note: These settings affect all parts of avast!, except for the resident protection.
I think if you type like C:\Program Files\Keylogger.exe it will exclude them yes?
But it says it doesn’t exclude them from Resident shield.
So perhaps you cant exclude something completely.
I also would like to know, how to exclude things.

Avast has not allowed me to even download the software. I had to turn off Avast completely to get the download. Now I have to figure out exceptions. I must say, and I hope that the developers are reading this, there should be a means of making complete exceptions. Employers use keylogging; why shouldn’t parents? It is a personal decision and as a computer professional I am qualified to understand the ramifications.

At first I thought you were a spammer

Christian Hosting Solutions

I see that it is worse than that.

There are no technical solutions to management problems.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Unplug the PC. Remove the power cord.

If you want to snoop on your kids get surveillance cameras installed.

No matter what you do the kids will have friends that show them how to get around whatever you implement or they will use their friends’ systems.

I use ProteMac KeyBag keylogger, but it’s for Mac OS only :-
…Though it’s under question if we shouldn’t trust our children.

You need to use the Exclusion lists:

For the Standard Shield provider (on-access scanning):
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the provider icon at left and then Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…

For the other providers (on-demand scanning such as the screen-saver or the Simple User Interface):
Right click the ‘a’ blue icon, click Program Settings.
Go to Exclusions tab and click on Add button…

You can use wildcards like * and ?.
But be careful, you should ‘exclude’ that many files that let your system in danger.

:slight_smile: Hi Bob :

As a fellow Christian, it appears you are using a Satanic Means ( a double-
edged Trojan that could turn on you at any time ) to “control” your 3 teen-
aged daughters who most likely should have an “Encounter” with the Holy
Spirit . IF you have not already done so, I recommend Ron Luce’s “Teen
Mania” Ministry and a good place to start about him would be .

So there it is Bob, as Tech said, just exclude the program in the exclusions.
Left click on whatever shield is running, and add it to the exclusions like pagefil.sys and the other system files are added there.
Depending where the file is, add the path like c:\Program Files\Kelogger\Keylogger.exe
Depending on how many modules it uses, it might be tricky to exclude.
If it is just one .exe file then you can put the path to that.
And it will not flag it when its detected.
But if it uses many hidden files then how are you going to know what to exclude?
Remember you have to add this on all the providers.

What a wonderful, charming individual. Did I call you names? No. I asked how to do something.

As a computer professional my kids have yet found a way around me. My wife and I feel that if we ban they will go to a friends house. If we allow but monitor we stand a better chance.

But who are you to challenge or insult my christianity? I asked a technical question. If this is how Avast allows their customer to be treated I’ll switch.

Thanks for an honbest attempt to help me. I did as you suggested and Avast just kept alerting me.

krazybob, I’ve posted before a technical solution…
Besides: K9 has a comprehensive log. You can check it later and it could help in your daughter/sons education.
Nothing said here seems a personal attack. Spiritsongs is just trying to offer help (as far I know him).

YoKenny wrote, insulted my christianity, and then gave me the old help desk line of unplugging the computer and sending it back because you’re too stupid to know how to run it. Uncalled for and did not nothing to answer my questions. That was a personal attack and enough said. I PAY to use Avast on many computers and if Avast allows such blatant attacks then I have a choice – I can switch.

I have resolved the issue and I am using software that I prefer…

At first I thought you were a spammer Quote Bob Christian Hosting Solutions

I see that it is worse than that.

There are no technical solutions to management problems.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Unplug the PC. Remove the power cord.

If you want to snoop on your kids get surveillance cameras installed.

No matter what you do the kids will have friends that show them how to get around whatever you implement or they will use their friends’ systems.