in the Safe Zone. See lots of weird stuff now that was being suppressed before.
Hehe, yes. The SafeZone uses its own DNS infrastructure (completely bypasses the DNS stack) - for obvious reasons.
It’s a powerful feature to prevent all sorts of hijacks - as I think about it now, we should probably hype it a bit more.
So, the servers would be down again. ;D
The downtime of the web servers yesterday was actually caused by a missing CSS file in the new website’s template and an unfortunate redirect of the 404 error page (file not found) that was also using this very CSS to be rendered… resulting in an infinite loop, effectively DDoSing our servers. ;D
Lol…! ;D 8) :-X
ew. That’s no fun. Glad it’s fixed now though!
LOL!!! security ftw haha soz couldnt resist lol… but that is epic
Yep, it was epic… but fortunately, relatively easily detectable by looking at the server logs.