Hello there
I noticed the “send Email to ALWIL” option within the viruscontainer…
What is it meant for?! Should be EVERY discovered and contained virus be send to ALWIL?
Or is this an option for new “unknown” trojans? But how should they be trapped when they are unknown?!
Plz enlighten the “unenlightend”
Thx for both - reply and avast!homeadition
No,submit only those that you suspect they are false positive or in case where you suspected some file to be malware,but not detected by avast!.
You move it to Chest and submit it to Alwil. You’ll see soon if it’s really a malware.
The known virus should not be submitted to Alwil… They already know it.
The unknown infection could not be ‘detected’ or be in Chest (as they are unknown ;D). So, if you suspect of any file, submit it to Jotti and let us know the results, i.e., if it is or not a false positive.
If you are getting a virus warning that you believe is a false positive, then if you can zip and password protect (‘virus’, will do) the suspect file and send it to virus (at) avast.com.
Give a brief outline of the problem, the fact that you believe it to be a false positive and include the password in the body of the email. Some info on the avast version and VPS number (see About avast: right click avast icon) will also help.
I see…
Thx for replying …
“for new trojans searching”-S@uDepp