OK, what a sh** is going on??? >:( I can’t believe they are going just to “cut off” KPF. I think there should be something more… :-\
Yes, they got taken over by Eset NOD last week
See http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=16155.msg136678#msg136678
And other forum link: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=95880
Two bad news together:
Sygate (firewall) sold to Symantec.
Kerio will stop.
We’ll stay with ZA and Outpost… :-\
As far I know, it’s not free
Actually I heard that Saftey.Net.3.6.1 is free
Yes, just as Avast! it’s free for home use :
See http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=16155.msg136678#msg136678
I did not notice this post :-[
Ok, just changed my Kerio to NetVeda. Seems ok right now. Easy to use and it works here. ZA causes a lot of conflicts (not related to avast), like New hardware found (something like SIS port, first time in my PC life) and also it encounters a problem and need to shut down. Strange, as my system was reinstalled less than month ago, so it’s quite fresh and clean. But ZA not works here. Kerio was the only one firewall which worked perfectly. But seems NetVeda works smooth and clean here: just 5 minutes and I think I’ve ended configuration. But anyone uses it? I’d be gratefull for any comments from you.
One review from NET
Pros: NETVEDA is the best free firewall you can get!! You can block almost anything from going in or out of your network. Like for an example if you dont want anyone accessing pornography or any offensive material on your computer, then all you do is go to the PICS RATINGs and set it accordantly. Which stops the all access to anything on the checked list. IT WONT EVEN LET YOU SEACH FOR IT ON A SEACH ENGINE LIKE GOOGLE.COM!! Another neat ability is the RESTRICT ACCESS TIME. Which the name says it all. Some more features are access control, application control, web filter, erase content and many more to unique controlling option to try out.Cons: There isn’t really anything unappealing about this software but they could make their GUI a bit more fancy
Wow, you’re fast ;D
Well, on the Wilders.org security forums there are lots of Netveda users and no one of them has bad experiences with it.
I guess we’ll see more users in our forums switching in the near future so just wait…
o man that sucks,got used to kerio and now this,i think ill try netveda,i had serious problems with zone alarm(which i like)and had nothing to do with webshield,thanks for the info on kerio,bri
Actually, you will like Safety Net which is definetly free for home use. It is very stable and runs well “out of the box”. It is HIGHLY configurable, so don’t mess with the rules unless you know what is being done.
It has replaced ZA on a few of my machines.
As for Sygate…
Even though it is now gone over to Symantec, there isn’t any mention of discontinuing it.
Good luck
It’s Kerio server firewall thats being discountinued NOT the personal firewall.http://www.kerio.com/ksf_home.html
timcan, look at the first msg in this thread, SF + PF although kerio’s web site notices only SF
trying out netveda now i like the options,i like the internet content filter you can set for different users good for my son.yup its free
using netveda now webshield is not scanning(i cant have that) ;D anyone using it?
using netveda now webshield is not scanning(i cant have that)
Why not, is this something to do with netveda and web shield or a personal system issue?
well i had kerio installed with avast about an hour ago and webshield was working fine now i installed netveda and webshield is not scanning?i didnt change anything with system settings.i guess it has something to do with netveda?anyone having this problem?
We’ll stay with ZA and Outpost… :-\
there is this as well